ANZMEX always welcomes your application

First you need to complete the application below. Then, it will be submitted to our Board of Directors for approval. After receiving approval from the board, we will officially welcome you as a new member of ANZMEX. We will announce to all our contacts your incorporation as a new member. This message will include a short bio on your company. Once approved we will include your company in our directory. In our directory your company logo (or headshot for individual members) will be displayed. However, but only other members would be able to access your contact details. User ID and passwords will be provided to you too. 

If you want to know what ANZMEX can do for your business, CLICK HERE and read more about our objectives and how we deliver them to our membership. 

If you are ready to become a member, please complete the following form and send it to us for our Board’s consideration: 

Once we’ve received the form we will submit an invoice with payment instructions. Once you’ve completed the payment we will submit your application for approval.