The Board of Directors is elected by the membership at our annual assembly. ANZMEX’s bylaws defines our Board of Directors as the following positions and grants them relevant authority and responsibility for the administration of ANZMEX ORG, A.C. (our legal name).

Board of directors for 2024 – 2025

Kate Brown de Vejar
DLA Piper

Managing Director &
Legal Representative

Sergio Almazán 

Senior Board member &

Jaime Martínez
Independent Sustainability Consultant

Board member &
Senior infrastructure advisor
Bosco Martí Ascencio

Senior Board member & Leader of the
Trade Connect MX Working Group
Jennifer Burge
World Wise Consulting

Senior Board member &
Head of the Risk Management Group

Daniel Linsker
Control Risks


Board member & Leader of
the Air Connectivity Working Group
Justin Morgan-Cooper
Independent Financial Consultant


Emeritus board members

Founding member &
former president
Adrienne Bonwick 

Founding member &
former president 
Donald Smallwood (†)

Former Head of Manufacturing and former DG of Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Raúl Sánchez
Former president & former DG of BHP and Woodside Mexico
Timothy Callahan