December 5th, 2019
As 2019 comes to an end I would like to wish all our members and friends a wonderful holiday season.
This past year has been somewhat convoluted by varying degrees of uncertainty not only in Mexico, also worldwide. The political, economic and cultural changes affecting us today are creating paradigm shifts on how we think and act sometimes on a quantum level. However, there are some solid constants, which we should cherish and protect; family, loved ones and friends, with whom we can take this time to share these moments of happiness and above all, celebrate life. That goes beyond and above anything else.
The Board of Directors ANZMEX has some really interesting events planned for next year and we are looking forward to seeing you at as many as you can manage. In the meantime, all the best for this special season and may the New Year bring prosperity and fulfillment.
Cheers and goodwill to all,
Donald Smallwood
President, ANZMEX