Tuesday, 31 August 2021 • Online (vía Zoom) • 18:00 – 19:00 (CDT)
Conducted in English (no translation available)
![]() GM, Peñasquito |
![]() President Riverside Resources |
What your company needs to know before investing in Mexico
The Mexican Mining Industry remains one of the key sectors of this country’s economy and will continue to attract innovation, new technologies, and investment from all over the world. However, these are still challenging times for the sector.
A different government approach to Mining regulation, the ongoing pandemic, and the growing importance of sustainability are all factors that require the industry to re-evaluate itself to face the future in a positive light. There are still plenty of opportunities to succeed as a company in the Mexican Mining Industry. Nevertheless, receiving updated information and having a clear picture of what is going on and what are the technical needs of the sector will enable companies to compete transparently and maximise the possibilities to improve the supply chain needed to make Mexican Mining a safe, efficient, and exciting endeavour.
Join us in this collaborative effort between the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico (CANCHAM), the Mining Chamber of Mexico (CAMIMEX), and the Australian, New Zealand, and Mexico Business Council (ANZMEX) to find out what your company needs to know to make things happen if you want to be part of the Mexican Mining Industry.
The event will be moderated by John-Mark Staude, CEO of Riverside Resources and Member of the ANZMEX Mining Group.
The Chatham House Rule will be enforced and the webinar will be conducted in English.
Part 1 – Introduction
a. The current socio-economic status of the Mexican Mining Sector: Challenges and opportunities for the sector in the short, medium and long term
b. Greatest areas of opportunity for companies who offer products and services for the Mining Industry
Delivered by Karen Flores, Director General of CAMIMEX
Part 2 – Technical
a. Best practices and overcoming challenges by a tier 1 Open-Pit mine in Mexico.
Delivered by Bernard Wessels – General Manager, Peñasquito
b. Best practices and overcoming challenges by a tier 1 Long wall and/or underground mine in Mexico.
Delivered by Tomás Iturriaga, COO of Fresnillo
Part 3 – Q&A from the audience & Summary
Event information
Online event via ZOOM (joining instructions will be sent after registration is completed)
Date: Tuesday 31, August 2021
Time: 18:00 – 19:00 (CDT)
Price: ANZMEX, CANCHAM, CAMIMEX & ALABC Members – Free of Charge / Non-members – $250MXN
ANZMEX (and ALABC), CANCHAM & CAMIMEX members click HERE to register
Non -members should pay via transfer or deposit and send the proof of payment along with their fiscal details to Sergio Almazán
ANZMEX bank details for transfer or deposit
Bank: HSBC Mexico
Account number: 4050167220
Clabe: 021180040501672207
This webinar has been organised in collaboration with