Tuesday 22 October 2019 • Secretaría de Economía. Torre Ejecutiva • 18:00 – 19:30 hrs
(Coffee and biscuits provided)
CPTPP: challenges & impact in the current international climate
TIPAT: retos e impacto en el entorno internacional actual
A special presentation by:
Dr. Luz María de la Mora, Mexican Undersecretary of International Commerce
Dr. de la Mora has kindly agreed to share with our membership her expertise around CPTPP (TIPAT in Spanish).
She was the Head of the Economic Relations and International Cooperation Unit at the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) and also Head of the Unit for International Negotiations at the same ministry. She represented the Mexican Ministry of Economy at the EU in Brussels, Belgium and she held the charge of Deputy Representative of Mexico at ALADI in Montevideo, Uruguay.
In addition, she worked as Economic Counsellor at the Commercial Office of the Mexican Embassy in Washington DC, as well as a member of the NAFTA negotiating team, particularly for the automotive sector. She’s been a consultant at the Latin American division of the World Bank and from 1 December 2018, she is the Undersecretary of International Commerce for the Ministry of Economy.
Undersecretary Luz María de la Mora holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Yale University in the USA. She completed her Master’s degree at the University of Carleton in Canada and her BA in International Relations at Colegio de México (COLMEX). She holds a diploma degree in International Commerce by Instituto Autónomo de México (ITAM).
The Chatham House Rule will be inforced and the event will be conducted in Spanish (NOT simultaneous translation will be available).
Event information
Venue: Sala Olinalá. Mezzanine. Secretaría de Economía. Torre Ejecutiva. Pachuca 189. Condesa. 06140. CDMX
Date: Tuesday 22 October 2019
Time: 18:00 – 19:30 hrs
Price: Free of charge. This event is strictly for ANZMEX members only.
To RSVP send an email to: Sergio Almazán