an opinion editorial written exclusively for ANZMEX
1 Sep 2023
By Chris Sladen
Energy matters – As easy as 1-2-3
The origins of the pub quiz date back to the 1950s. They quickly became an opportunity to test your knowledge in a friendly atmosphere, make new friends, compete against teams locally and nationally. The popularity of pub quiz nights grew rapidly and soon became weekly events, sometimes raising money for charity and special causes. Today there are hundreds of thousands of pub quiz teams worldwide. Pub landlords saw the benefits of creating a pleasant environment, a well organised quiz, and a respected quizmaster. Winners get prizes – typically more drinks!
So, I have created a pub quiz to test your energy knowledge of the Latin America & Caribbean region. You can always try these quiz questions out at your local pub, or perhaps at a dinner party, or even test your colleagues during networking drinks when at your next conference! You get 50 points for each and every correct answer.
Please try to name the top 3 countries last year in the Latin America & Caribbean region for each of the following:
Who is regional leader in oil production? (includes all oil, condensates & natural gas liquids)
- Brazil 2. Mexico 3. Colombia
Who is the regional leader in gas flaring?
- Venezuela 2. Mexico 3. Argentina
Who is the regional leader in biofuels production?
- Brazil 2. Argentina 3. Colombia
Who is the regional leader in natural gas consumption?
- Mexico 2. Argentina 3. Brazil
Who is regional leader in oil consumption?
- Brazil 2. Mexico 3. Argentina
Who is the regional leader in refining capacity?
- Brazil 2. Mexico 3. Venezuela
Who is the regional leader in coal production?
- Colombia 2. Brazil 3. Mexico
Who is the regional leader in nuclear power consumption?
- Brazil 2. Mexico 3. Argentina
Who is the regional leader in coal consumption?
- Brazil 2. Mexico 3. Chile
Who is the regional leader in natural gas production? (excluding gas that is then flared)
- Argentina 2. Mexico 3. Venezuela
Who is the regional leader in hydroelectricity consumption?
- Brazil 2. Colombia 3. Venezuela
Who is the regional leader in CO2 emissions? (includes all emissions, production use, flaring, methane)
- Mexico 2. Brazil 3. Argentina
Who is the regional leader in installed wind capacity?
- Brazil 2. Mexico 3. Chile
Who is the regional leader in installed solar capacity?
- Brazil 2. Mexico 3. Chile
Who is the regional leader in LNG imports?
- Chile 2. Brazil 2. Argentina
Who is the regional leader in electricity generation?
- Brazil 2. Mexico 3. Argentina
Bonus jackpot question (500 points) – Which country in the region is the oldest producer of oil?
Answer: Peru (1861)
I hope you enjoyed the quiz and learned a thing or two. How many points did you score? Under 900 points – yes, pub quizzes can be tough! 900-1900 points – great effort, don’t give up!! 1900-2900 points – excellent, please be on my team!!! Over 2900 points – please consider dispute resolution…
About the author:
Chris Sladen runs an advisory service offering insights to inform, shape a decision, policy & regulation, and guide the next steps for energy ventures, acquisitions & divestments, energy transition and climate strategies. Chris has a unique global experience having worked in over 40 countries. This is underpinned by extensive knowledge of petroleum systems and where best to find oil and gas, notably in the Gulf of Mexico & nearby areas, Europe and NE & SE Asia, as well as the development of midstream, downstream & renewables investments in many emerging economies. Chris has extensive experience acquired on the Boards of companies, subsidiaries, business chambers & organisations. Chris has a career of over 40 years in the energy sector, living in Mexico (2001-2018), Russia, Vietnam, Mongolia, China & UK. His contributions to the energy and education sectors have been recognised by the UK Government with both an MBE and CBE, and also the Aztec Eagle from the Mexican Government – the first foreigner in the energy sector to achieve this award. Chris has published extensively over five decades. Chris’ articles for Energy Matters reflect his experience and enthusiasm and are not paid for in any way.
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