The ANZMEX Energy Debate Series©
 “Energy Security” – Who wins and why?©

ANZMEX Energy Debate to be held on October 12th at Club de Industriales.
Energy security “who wins & why?” The energy security paradigm has been broken – Join the debate.

October 12th, 2017 –  Club de Industriales

Chris Sladen – BP

Tim Callahan – General Director BHP
H.E. Mr David Engel – Australian Ambassador to Mexico
Veronica Irastorza – NERA Economic Consulting
Eduardo Núñez  – NR Abogados
Energy security – “who wins & why?” The energy security paradigm has been broken. Ongoing NAFTA re-negotiations, re-shaping of the TPP, 3 hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Mexico’s largest earthquake in a century have changed today’s energy landscape.
Across southern Mexico and the southern USA, more than 10 million people are without power, hundreds of lives have been lost, key energy infrastructure has collapsed, refineries have been shut down and in some cases, petrochemical plants have exploded. Leaks of oil and natural gas have compounded recovery efforts. All this has occurred in less than 3 months.
Mexico’s energy independence continues to decrease as its production of oil and gas declines, while imports of refined products and natural gas increase. Energy reforms will take time to impact its energy outlook.
Other factors add to the complexity – for example, possible fragmentation in Europe, possible conflict in northeast Asia, possible instability in major energy producing nations, new demands from new generations of consumers, the energy transition towards low carbon economies.

So, in the energy sector in coming years, who wins & why? Which countries achieve energy security and affordable energy for all? Which companies successfully navigate the new energy landscape? Which consumers have stable supplies of low cost energy? The winners will no doubt be those that understand the games in play. So which games are in play?

Debate format:
What is the debate format? Each debate contains recognised experts, some covering one position, some covering the other, and a moderator. The debate is held in English. Each of the debaters makes an opening statement of no more than 5 minutes each. The debate then continues with questions from the audience and answers from the debaters. No question is longer than 20 seconds, no answer should be longer than 60 seconds. Chatham House rules apply. The debate will last 1 hour after which the moderator will organize a series of votes by a show of hands. Refreshments are available before, during & after the debate!
RSVP: Jael Duran 
Event Information
Date: October 12th, 2017
Hour: 18:30 – 20:00
Venue: Club de Industriales
Address: Andres Bello 29 Polanco. Miguel Hidalgo, 11550, Ciudad de Mexico.
Cost: $450 MXN members, $550 MXN non-members

Payment Methods:

Energy Debate Oct 2017
 Members $450.00 MXN Non Members $550.00 MXN 

Transfer or deposit: 


Bank: HSBC Mexico
Account: 4050167220
Clabe: 021180040501672207* All cancellations made less than 48 hours prior to the event will be charged.