Thursday, 17 March 2022 •  At the Official Residence of the Australian Ambassador in Mexico • 11:30 – 12:30 hrs (CDT)

Dear ANZMEX associates,

We are pleased to invite you to The ANZMEX Annual Assembly© 2022 which will take place on Thursday, 17 March 2022 from 11:30 to 12:30 hours at the Official Residence of the Australian Ambassador in Mexico City. 

We are open to receive your requests, where you will be able to submit nominations for potential new Board members and sector leaders (mining and energy groups only).  It is important to clarify that some of the current Board and sector leader positions will be up for re-election.

We summon our membership and ask you to review our plans for 2022 and share your perspectives to improve our services together. We will:

  • Inform you about our current financial and administrative status
  • Let you know how ANZMEX will continue to add value to your business in 2022
  • Open the floor to listen to your ideas about potential activities ANZMEX should organise in 2022 to remain relevant to your particular sector(s).
  • Finally, we will ask your vote to approve the restructure that our Board of Directors and Sectorial Groups will undergo this year, and ratify the legal and administrative functions of our Managing Director.


Undertaking the Annual Assembly is a legal requirement for our Association and thus we must comply with the legal procedure regarding the number of attending members in order to make the voting process valid. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that each member is represented and that the arrival time is respected. In the case that you are unable to attend we request that you complete the attached PROXY FORM (click here), nominating our lawyer as your representative. 

We kindly request that you confirm attendance or send your PROXY FORM (click here) no later than:  Thursday, 10 March 2022.

** Please note that our honorary members are not required to vote and due to the ongoing pandemic and limited spaces, preference will be given to Gold, Corporate and Individual members. Non-members or external guests will not be invited on this occasion **

Please take a moment to read the official notification below:


Pursuant to articles 2674 to 2679 of the Civil Code for the Federal District (now Mexico City) and Article Fourteenth of the ANZMEX ORG, AC.’s (the “Association”) bylaws, this is the first call for all the Associates to the General Associates’ Meeting to be held at 11:30 hours of March 17th, 2022, and in second call at 11:45 hours on the same date, at at the Australia Official Residence in Mexico City on Sierra Negra 215, Lomas de Chapultepec neighbourhood, postal code 11000, Mexico City, Mexico, at which the following matters shall be discussed:

Con fundamento en los artículos 2674 a 2679 del Código Civil para el Distrito Federal (ahora Ciudad de México) y en el Artículo Décimo Cuarto de los estatutos sociales de ANZMEX ORG, AC. (la “Asociación”), por medio de la presente se convoca en primera convocatoria a todos los Asociados a la Asambleas General de Asociados que será celebrada a las 11:30 horas el día 17 de marzo de 2022, y en segunda convocatoria a las 11:45 horas en la misma fecha, en en la Residencia Oficial de Australia en México ubicada en la calle Sierra Negra 215, colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, código postal 11000, Ciudad de México, México, en la cual se tratarán los puntos señalados en el siguiente:



  1. Appointment, or when applicable, ratification of the Members of the Executive Board of the Association.
  2. Report by the Managing Director regarding the financial statements corresponding to fiscal year 2021, as well as the budget for 2022.
  3. Report by Director regarding the membership of the Association, ratification of such membership, as well as proposals, and if applicable, approvals of admission and resignation of Associates.
  4. Ratification of Managing Director’s legal and administrative faculties
  5. Micellaneous


  1. Designación o, en su caso, ratificación de los Miembros del Consejo Directivo o funcionarios de la Asociación.
  2. Informe del Director General sobre los estados financieros correspondientes al ejercicio social de 2021 y el presupuesto para 2022.
  3. Informe del director sobre la membresía de la Asociación, ratificación de dicha membresía, así como propuestas y, en su caso, aprobación de la admisión y renuncia de Asociados.
  4. Ratificación del director general y de sus facultades administrativas y legales
  5. Asuntos varios.


Pursuant to the Association’s bylaws, the Associates may appear at the Meeting personally or through a representative authorized by a proxy letter signed by the grantor. In order to be admitted into de Meeting, it shall be enough that the Associates be inscribed as such in the Associates Registry, or that they prove such capacity by any other legal means. En términos de los estatutos de la Asociación, los Asociados podrán concurrir a la Asamblea personalmente o mediante apoderado, bastando en este último caso una carta poder firmada por el otorgante. Para ser admitidos a la Asamblea, bastará que los Asociados estén inscritos como tales en el Registro de la Asociación, o comprueben su carácter de cualquier otra manera legal.

Mexico City, on March 17th, 2022


Ciudad de México a 17 de Marzo de 2022

Timothy Callahan
Presidente del Consejo Directivo / President of the Board of Directors

The Chatham House Rule will be enforced and the event will be conducted in English.

Event information

Venue: Residencia Oficial de Australia en México. Sierra Negra 215, Lomas de Chapultepec, CP 11000, CDMX
Thursday, 17 March 2022

Time: 11:30 – 12:30 hrs.
Price: Free of charge / Limited spaces (OPEN ONLY FOR ANZMEX MEMBERS)

To Register or send your PROXY form click HERE